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Our members and purpose

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The National Affordable Housing Alliance comprises Australia’s peak property, building, community housing, social services, union and industry superannuation groups who have come together with a focus on increasing the provision of social and affordable housing across Australia. 


The Alliance’s core members include: 


  • Australian Council of Trade Unions 

  • Australian Council of Social Service 

  • Community Housing Industry Association 

  • Industry Super Australia 

  • Homelessness Australia 

  • Housing Industry Association 

  • Master Builders Australia 

  • National Shelter 

  • Property Council of Australia. 

What NAHA aims to achieve

Established in August 2020, the formation of this Alliance signals a unifying, cross-sectoral determination to fundamentally alter how we tackle homelessness and supply social and affordable housing in Australia.  


Despite significant efforts by governments, the public, community, and private sectors over the past thirty-plus years, Australia’s social and affordable housing and homelessness crisis has continued to worsen.


If current trends continue, researchers forecast that the cumulative national shortage will increase to nearly 1,024,000 dwellings by 2036.


Such numbers, if they were to be realised, translate to annual supply requirements of 48,000 (social) and 19,000 (affordable) dwellings.


Access to housing that is affordable to the occupants is the first and fundamental precondition for social and economic security.


Setting up a systemic, self-sustaining framework that adds consistently to the net additional supply of social and affordable housing at scale, and most effectively leverages taxpayer support, is required to avoid a widespread social and economic crisis, ensure essential workers can continue to live in feasible proximity to their place of employment and support community needs.

NAHA’s purpose is:


  • To collectively advocate for a commitment by all governments to the long-term funding of social and affordable housing in Australia. 

  • To identify and develop policies, programs and opportunities that can be taken forward by government in partnership with the housing industry to deliver more social and affordable housing stock in Australia. 

  • To measure and monitor the progress of social and affordable housing delivery under the current National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) and from other sources including contributions from the not for profit, private & superannuation sectors to provide an overall and balanced perspective on the supply of social and affordable housing.


In January 2022, NAHA released its first policy options paper outlining four key  proposals to significantly increase the supply of social and affordable housing.


You can download a copy of the paper here:

©2021 by National Affordable Housing Alliance. 

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